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Black Eyed Susan Vine Seeds (Thunbergia alata)

Black Eyed Susan Vine Seeds (Thunbergia alata)

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Black-Eyed Susan Vine - Thunbergia alata - This tender perennial is a spreading vine that has decorative, triangular leaves and masses of yellow or orange flowers with a dark eye. It is native to tropical Africa. It is ideal for growing on a trellis in the garden or in hanging baskets and other containers. Can be grown in sunny to partly shaded conditions.

Zones: 1 through 10

Height: Up to 3-4 ft.

Flower Color: Orange

Plant Type: Perennial (Tender)

Light Requirement: Sun, Partial Shade

Bloom Time: Spring - Fall

Seeds per Packet: 50 +/-

Seeds per Pound: 17,200

Is this wildflower invasive: No

Is this wildflower endangered: No

Is this wildflower edible: No

Is this wildflower medicinal: No